Ana beKoach prayer

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  • Ana Bekhch: A Powerful Prayer for Acceptance, Protection, and Salvation
  • Seven Words to Change Your Life: The Ana Bekhch Prayer
  • Ana Bekhch: A Prayer for the Soul
  • Ana Bekhch: Connecting with the Divine
  • Ana Bekhch: A Prayer for the WorldWidth: 
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    משלוח המוצרים מתבצע ע"י דואר ישראל
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    זמן האספקה הינו עד 14 ימים, אנו נעשה כל שביכולתנו לספק את המוצרים הרבה לפני כן

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    Min Hastam תמסור ללקוח אישור על ביטול הזמנה

The Ana Bekhch prayer is a Jewish prayer that is recited in the morning service, after the Torah portion of the korbanot (sacrifices). It is also recited in some communities on Friday night as part of the Kabbalat Shabbat service, as well as after the counting of the Omer.

The prayer consists of seven lines, each with six words. According to Kabbalistic tradition, the initials of these words (ABG Yatz, KR'E Sh'Tn...) form the Shem HaMephorash, the 42-letter name of God, as mentioned in the Talmudic tractate of Kiddushin.

The prayer is actually a series of seven requests, each beginning with the word "Ana" (please). The requests are:

  • Ana b'koach g'dulat y'minecha tatir tz'rorah: Please, with the power of the greatness of Your right hand, loosen the bundle. This request asks God to open the person's heart and allow them to fully repent.
  • Kabbel rinat a'mecha, sagev'nu, tah'reinu, nora: Please, receive the song of Your people, exalt us, purify us, Awesome One. This request asks God to accept the prayers of the people, to protect them, to purify them of all sin, and to bring them light and understanding.
  • Na gibor dor'shai yichud'cha k'vatat sha'merem: Please, Mighty One, seek out those who seek Your oneness, guard them like a pupil. This request asks God to protect those who seek His oneness, and to guard them as if they were the apple of His eye.
  • Berachem tah'reim rachamei tzidkat'cha t'mid gam'lem: Please, bless and purify them, always reward them with the mercies of Your righteousness. This request asks God to bless and purify those who seek His path, and to always reward them with the mercies of righteousness.
  • Chasin kadosh b'rov tov'cha n'hal adate'cha: Please, Gracious Holy One, lead Your congregation with Your great goodness. This request asks God to lead His people with mercy and grace, and to bring them salvation.
  • Yachid ge'ah l'amecha p'neh zochrei k'dushat'cha: Please, turn to Your people, One and Exalted One, remember those who remember Your holiness. This request asks God to turn to His people and hear the prayers of those who remember His holiness.
  • Sha'ateinu k'bel u'shma tza'akatenu yodei ta'alumot: Please, accept our cry and hear our outcry, You who know secrets. This request asks God to accept the cries of the people and answer them, and to know all of their secrets.

The Ana Bekhch prayer is considered to be a very powerful prayer, and it is also recited as part of special prayer services, such as prayer services for salvation or for healing.

The prayer was written by Rabbi Nehunia ben Hakana, a Jewish scholar who lived in the 1st century CE. The prayer is first mentioned in the Babylonian Talmud in the tractate of Kiddushin, where it is said that Rabbi Nehunia ben Hakana would recite the prayer when he would go up to Jerusalem for Yom Kippur.

The Ana Bekhch prayer has been translated into many languages, and it is recited by Jews all over the world.

Reviews - Ana beKoach prayer
תודה אנשים יקרים
הזמנו את אנא בכוח
וברכת הכהנים
אני מודה לכם על תמונות שהכניסו משמעות לבתינו, אנחנו נהנים ומתרגשים שזכינו לתלות את הכתיבה שלכם בבתינו..
Reviews - Ana beKoach prayer
המתנות היו כתובות בצורה פלאית. כתיבה מדויקת על קלף אמיתי
הזמנו אצל יהודה כמה מתנות לצוות שטיפל בנו.
המתנות היו כתובות בצורה פלאית.
כתיבה מדויקת על קלף אמיתי.
כל מקבלי המתנות מאד מאד התרגשו מעבודת האומן.
תודה יהודה . זכינו.
Reviews - Ana beKoach prayer
אתם מדהימים!!
תודה רבה חבל שלא הכרתי אתכם קודם, איזו כתיבה יפה, קלף איכותי משלוח מהיר, אפילו השקית ממותגת ואיכותית, אכתוב גם בביקורות בגוגל וללא ספק אזמין מכם גם בעתיד ואמליץ😎
Reviews - Ana beKoach prayer
כתיבה מדהימה!!
רוצה לומר לך תודה רבה על השירות האדיב והסבלנות שלך, כתיבה מאוד יפה, שאתה מתחייב לימים מסוימים למשלוח ועומד בזה, המשלוח היה מהיר. ההשקעה בפרטים הקטנים אפילו ברמת השקית.. אין מילים תודה☺️


