A pair of fancy crystal candlesticks

  • $64.24
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A pair of fancy crystal candlesticks
Crystal candlesticks have a unique and modern design made of durable material.
: Crystal
natural color
Weight: 1.6 kg
Size: 28 cm

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    משלוח המוצרים מתבצע ע"י דואר ישראל
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    אריזה מקורית- "חפץ וכל חומר שהוא המשמש את היצרן או היבואן, כעטיפה למוצר שייצר או שייבא ושאינו מהווה חלק בלתי נפרד מהמוצר ואינו חיוני לצורך שימוש במוצר".

    Min Hastam תמסור ללקוח אישור על ביטול הזמנה
A pair of fancy crystal candlesticks
Why do a pair of fancy crystal candlesticks have a unique design?

A crystal known to refract light, create rainbows and geometric patterns. This natural feature allows for interesting cuts and shapes in the behemoth itself, while playing with the way the light interacts with the piece.

Fancy crystal candlesticks are known to be special and eye-catching. Here are some reasons why they have unique designs:

Craftsmanship: These candlesticks are often created by skilled artisans who take pride in creating one-of-a-kind pieces. They use special techniques to cut and shape the crystal.

The crystal is a beautiful material that can be quite rare, the use of this material makes the candlesticks more special and valuable.

The unique design helps the candlesticks stand out from simple candlesticks. They become a conversation piece and add a touch of luxury to the room.

Many designs are inspired by historical periods or styles, such as Art Deco or Baroque. It can give rods of turnips and sophistication.


